You’re all you’ve got. You’ve not ’got’ anyone Or anything, The ring of ‘ones’ and ‘things’ A passing, fleeting, In that meaning, An illusion.
The truth of this when realised, The ‘borrow-ness’ is seized, Reduces sorrow.
Things disappear. Relations too, Those closest to you die And you, you cry At loss. The cost of disappearance broken-heartedness.
But when you understand deep in your heart That you’re a part and they’re a part, Like slices of an apple ****; That they’re not yours and you’re not theirs, Just pieces of the larger unit,
You’re the ‘real’ of all you are, The other things the satellites around your star Of which you must take care while there. Thought provoking, isn’t it, That ‘you’ is all you’ve really got!
You’re All You’ve Got 8.4.2020 Circling Round Reality; Circling Round Experience; Pure Nakedness II; Nature Of & InReality; Arlene Nover Corwin