A southern blend of jasmine and magonolia waft across the grounds an in it is a mixture of tell Tale knowing a little smoulder lies in her eyes it causes you to anticapate a well spoken word First it has a different sound than the rest of the country it has a bluesy age to it like it has come From the delta it took its on sweet time in doing so it is bold just with enough southen sass to Keep you alert you can’t take for granted that which is explosive and vibrant you don’t live in The rise and fall of such rich history and not carry a mystery and confidence that is allureing Tressels and verandas build the tender mood of gentel beckoning that is adorded as seasoned Fashion spell binding unabashed qaulity is seen in modest means that streams like blue bells that Have been turned to liquid by charms power and it lays like a long lasy haze that reaches the Far horizion with a sigh you stop and deeply meditate this creates strong thoughts that go out From your inner self like a suden strong wind that list and goes where you no not but refreshment Is left in its wake like an old winding road it not the arriving but the going that is awsome it delivers Many sights like the night it holds wonders of compassion as an old man you see in his eyes That knowing that shows care you feel a welcome embracing toucing you for Dixie makes a Speacial brew it takes long long southern days and paitennce here is derived like no other place you get that taste of grace speaking slowly it is a trait of the wise that came by it not by racing To it but by a slow assurance that only grows when you give it time it gives life a higher qaulity that Is rare in our modern world why would you take a speed boat when you can go by paddle wheel and go to a place called Natchez eithier real or imagined gentel thoughts invade and they are a gloroious parade with all sorts of colors and floats that portray geenteel sentiments some of it is the feeling of loss that great and real times that held such sway are truly gone with the wind bedeviled by a women she wears a oversized hat that frames her and in many ways explains her the showing of a well spring of love to be bathed in her voice it trully is the finding of that memory and grand glory of a true sothern bell walk softly in this spell created over many treasured moments in southern rays and moonlight kissed by a protective certiny of woman hood found in no other place cover me God in sothern primose dreams until I walk again on the great southern soil