Dear God The Genesis of our problems Lays in the Exodus of our morals If we can come together like the Corinthians With psalms and hymns like David In the end, we will celebrate like Esther And also jubilate like Job
After the fall of the First Adam It had been Chronicled in "The Book" That our Lamentations will be grave Just like that of Brother Job Oh Lord! Please send us "An Isaiah", a Moses Lead us and cleanse our land Mark, Mathew, Luke and John, please pray for us
We are mystified by these plagues With the semblance of Revelation chapter 18 Teach us to Number our days oh Lord! In longevity and peace as promised in Deuteronomy Judge us not for our sins Spare us like you did Rahab in the book of Joshua For we are to you what Ruth was to Naomi
Soon, the King will hear our cries Swallow up our challenges as the fish to Jonah Streghten our faith to trust like Daniel As we contest for the faith of our fathers We shall bow our kneels like James That we may all win like the Isrealites...