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Jul 2020
people never fail to marvel me
just out of curiosity I fantasize each one
peculiarly I daydream; dream of
how someone can be **** awestruck
the other nonchalant schmuck
there's no wonder the most smiling
indeed must be so despairing
maybe i'm wrong , maybe right
like how you say - " don't judge a book by its cover"
in the eyes of thine one is warm hearted
and one is cold hearted
humankind of materialism and raphs exist too
people ralph others secrets
there are some concealed to pinky promises
i hear every now and then,
individuals saying we know each other well
i ponder how well!
like how i used to believe i know all about her
when literally i don't even know a speck of hers
people are amazingly amazing
we think we know everything
but the truth is we never know
the heart on one's sleeve
some are blue
some are pale
some are butterflies
and some are chameleons
one kind remains colourful throughout and,
the other kind changes with circumstances
people always confuse me with their personalities
they are parallel imitating same echo
seems to long along howbeit ne'er coincide
it's so fascinating to see different people with with variety of dispositions that  one could hardly understand
Written by
Yashashvi  18/F/India
   Imran Islam
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