I love what I miss and I miss what I love I wish things could be different From God above
I know there's a difference between love and hate I've changed my ways The other remains the same That bird will never change thier ways That bird will stay in the nest While bluffing one and thierself
It will find the food that suits them best It's not about loyalty It's about what they need For that bird It's the mealworm In the moment That suits them best
I've loved that bird I flew away I love that bird to this day But, I can't stay with something That will always astray Because that's the only way they want it Each and everyday
I'm not looking to build a nest I'm beyond that I contest I'm looking for forever more I'm not looking for a female Matadore Who is looking for that bull to score
I'm looking for one-on-one That's not wanting 2 or more There's a word for this It's rhymes with score
I want nothing more to do with that bird Fly Away Fly away