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Jul 2020
Shift shaping in your thoughts
swamping your minds and soft hollow vases
firm and full of a reach that tunnels funnels in gloss
you hear tales of wonder and amazing passion unbridled
and your and digits find the dream enchanting in motion aglow
I live in your minds there I reign supreme like a logger on a stream
I flow with sways as you flutter and twitch hence you cling cant let go
you're all hung up on me deny it all you like for I've got you all going
magic mushroom with zeal that fills with shattering impulses
guarantee to deliver with the smoothest furs in tender digs
one like no other for it takes the fit in measured strides
no pain in a hot bed of fire and embers that sizzles
strong drives in refined pace that revs to sync
sleek and stylish in the slickest dives
you got me in your heads
you can't stop tingles
that thin line
between has
given it
Written by
Yenson  M/London
   Thomas W Case
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