Oh meadows of no beast and fowl , I wander where the wild winds blow to every discontent . For above me and not below , the Bearded Vulture circles high above my heavy load .
Far above what I can see , the far off murmring of the trees , for distant lands has come to this , from far away an evil kiss , Where the Bearded Vulture seeks its prey .
For my journey is thick with pine and birch , and rugged staff , and thicket and bristle and thorn .
For his is the heavens above Gods earth , that by his hand gave it birth , to feast on bone , not rotting flesh and to seek out kingdoms vast in wealth . High above what we call trees , high above the bullet and gun , where man wages endless war and the songs of peace are never sung . Far fowl then where cows and sheep , graze in pastures not knowing this , that don’t in terror look to the skies , to seek out the talons and beek ., and what ever flys .