During dinner talk I hear her say, His poems are very clever. She said it loud, and all could hear; (she said it out of spite) And some who heard her say it, thought, Isn't she so nice.
Clever. Clever. Clever. Clapped inside my head, For earlier she reproached me For not reaching out instead. I should ladle bowls of soup, Drive the elderly wherever, Volunteer to save the planet, Comfort those in need of such, Or visit with the sick.
Clever. Cleverer. Cleverest. So clever when she spoke; I find it now so obvious, She'd not read a word I wrote.
"Your poetry is clever, but you need to do something for the benefit of others... blah, blah, blah." The nerve of some people. My anti-trump ******* poems have been read by millions, thank you ma'am.