want me to show a little a skin gram by the gram for the gram lay it all out like spread eagle kiss your **** and say you're a man **** all the soft **** that right catching feelings holding hands want me to take it all off one by one if i was real i'd understand
but that's not me never will be i like my privacy i like hiding i like keeping things lowkey i don't wanna show my body i don't wanna be like that don't wanna arch my back don't wanna be like all the rest faking smiles and setting traps don't wanna go that fast don't make my life public just cause you like it doesn't mean you need to touch it respect my boundary lines don't tell me to cut them they're there for a reason there cause i want them you say i don't need them because you want somethin gained from me having none so they're bad by your assumption don't live to play barbie in your productions be your star of seduction my body is more than it makes you feel i have a higher function stop trying to push me down you'll never have your way i'll bite and scream and scratch and claw i'll be whatever you want to call a ***** a snitch a liar a tease your opinion does not phase me won't be molded into your princess or pose and flutter and kneel would rather die being me than do something to make you feel