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Jun 2013
What is worse?
A physical cut
Or an emotional jab
A corporeal hit
Or a mental stab
Upon my skin
My scars do fade
But in my soul they do remain
The memories are clear as day
As you disappear in to the night
I feel my heart's rhythm subside
Do you see
You're tormenting me
I explode into the dark
Searching for your spark
And your gone
But you soon reappear
Casting doubt upon my fear
Weilding your astral dagger
Another slice and I stagger
Yet I am addicted in my swagger
A night like tonight
Takes my will to fight
But alas
That's true love
Steven Forrester
Written by
Steven Forrester  32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ
(32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ)   
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