I detest the euphemism "making love" When people just mean "having ***" As the latter is too often devoid of the former.
Rabbits do not make love. The copulate. Dogs in heat do not make love. They copulate. Roosters do not make love. They **** all hens.
Men in bars at closing time are not looking to make love. Nor are the women nursing their last drink then. They are looking to have *** with a stranger.
I do not judge the rabbits, dogs, roosters of barflies. Humans who sate their urges with any willing partner Have my best wishes for happy, healthy, STD-free lives.
I only object when they refer to a physical act that is Engaged in solely for pleasure and devoid of genuine Affection for the object of their lust as "making love".
If you use others and allow yourself to be so used And are of legal age, more power to you (just be safe!) You will have more pleasure out of this life than I.
But please do not defile, defame, demean the most Important word and most important feeling humans can share By making it into just another four-letter word.
By all means say making love and make love often, As there is no greater gift that human beings can share But please do not profane the term. Enjoy ***. Just call it that.