when you’ve written too many poems vaguest of recollections of the prior, having not seen many for years, till someone drops one on my path in a wave-by-remember-me, did I write this?
all I know, all I’ve learned from this long gig, the best poems from my fingertips that came tap tap tapping, were the ones, the provocations, driven by loving the poetry of others, or those all about others.
my eager meager ain’t much to write home about, but when your stuff is a trigger, gotta figure, there’s a bottle in the ocean that just hit me on the head, messaging me go forward, pay thanks to those who evoke, yeah, provoke, new spillages of inspiring gratitude for relocating my New Moon Melange^
yep that’s it.
so is there such a thing? as re-remembering, just knowing my name is hard (you understand), the inspiration oft forgot, so I write it all up and down, insurance so to speak, for re-remembering when you stumble on it, wont’t fumble.