Must not give up must not give in must not fail to start living. If mantra's work and I'm assured they do I'm sure that this may see me through those times when all is bleak when I am weak and all I want is to streak away but like the fastenings of the night to day I know that I must stay to see in words that mimic me and mock at my endeavour if only then to free my thoughts and whether they would rise or fail would sink or sail I could not know but have to be free to go and find this truth or pull it out and inspect it like some rotting tooth black and pungent smelling like some telling of a nursery rhyme back when in the time of wolves and spells and trolls in dells the truth was not so clear to see . If I were me and I'm sure I'm not I'd find a little spot hidden far away in some place where I could call and say this here is mine and I would stay secluded from the rush of people pushing past and I at last could start to cogitate upon this state of who I am well that's the plan but of course another pipe bursts into smoke and I can't even smoke the joke of dreams that fire the sky above and If I love then who, who could fathom all the deep that I myself can only sleep above, another love? it's a battle to keep my head afloat or keep a coat on go on to see and what is left but me and another me in mimicry. If in all of this, in all of this life I could but only be a copy replicant not free but locked into technology and who could not but fail to see a form of ideology or idolatry psychology a branch of yet another tree that grew out of necessity and that is yet another faking of the free chained into some solitary cell encouraged to scream and fekin hell I screamed streaming curses intervexed and supertexted them into the padded wall where swear words fell but I being on the ball and mindful of recycling picked them up and sang them,rang them out again until I myself was wrung out dry. Why Is it then that I should feel that being peeled like a ripened plum and waiting for 'Jack' to come and stick his thumb into my eye is wrong why is it written in the fables that poor men wait on rich men's tables and drink porter watered down while those that sit with crowns upon their head would in any case be better off if I were dead just a thought to think and in the blinking of the middle eye it joins its brothers in the sky where all thought congregate to die another why and another after that and flat out,shout out,can't read enough about or write the words to set me free one more branch one more tree one more me one more me ideosyncrasy ideas of being free immortal in mortality and death to all banality I see nothing really except the cornflake box a pair of sweaty socks and my life whistling down the plug hole.