You, You and those pale blue eyes of a full moon, How I cannot stop thinking of you, For some reason you've entered my mine like a scar on my body, There is no erasing or forgetting, I've locked you into my heart, I cannot bear to think of letting go, The infection has spread and I've been shot by cupid's bow, But our fairytale is beginning to end, You are not the once you I first met, And I'm hurt and terribly mistaken I fell for a ruse, A **** ruse of promise, Now I'm alone and unsure of what I've gotten into, A long summer ahead, of fear and unsurity of what next step I may have to take, I don't wanna lose you, just win what I somehow lost, I wanna whisper lost secrets in the edges of the night, And look towards a morning of more you, The you I once knew, Please make it all come back soon