And from the abyss of an un-owned, nothingness rises up the majestic image-- supremely crafted, from well-smithed words;
this something.. formed out of nothing--
this counterfeit substance this ancient, hide
this cowardly, self-formed answer to the Universe's primal core question this childish refusal to grow up.. to own up, and face the music
This fooling of the whole world.. this glory of the moment..
and then, one final pirouette, before your unavoidable death-scream at that final moment of truth..
Ah truth, baby.. what a concept.
This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area, in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. This station, Hello Poetry.. serves the whole.hiding world's, area. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System.
"yeah, thankyou,, thankyoyverucuchh.." ~Johnny ******, and the *****