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Jun 2013
There are so many types of pain one can endure;
And sometimes the person can't find a cure.

There is a physical pain of the body which stings every time it's touched;
The scrapes, cuts and burns that can't be covered up that much.

Then there's the emotional pain which makes your heart feel like its being stabbed with a knife;
This type of pain occurs everyday depending on ones life.

The amazing connection between the two types of pains is that one of them is caused because of the other pain;
When you're emotionally insecure you tend to hurt yourself, which really just makes you go insane.

When you have physical pains it actually hurts you emotionally because of the pain you're trying to deal with;
You can't help but feel these emotions and make a better switch.

In the end, you have to accept everything that happens no matter how much it may hurt;
There will always be a resolution to keep hanging on for even though you may feel like dirt.
Sarah Antilope
Written by
Sarah Antilope  Canada
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