Did you see them take the green fields one by one, now line by line on hills in echelon?
Still, holding ground held holy by their sons; no longer marching to the smoke and drum.
Where bugler called the day to final rest, now silence grows like lichen on the stones.
For those who gave their all at our behest, our memories alone will not atone.
Do you see the fires burning at a distance, and more hallowed ground broken day by day?
Each new stone laid a fading reminiscence; each new boquet soon fading into gray.
What better way to honor sacrifice than to pause and speak their names aloud.
Until the gods of war are pacified; until our flag no longer serves as shroud.
In memory of those who gave their all. 5/30/2016 And again, lest we forget. 5/29/17 Memorial Day 5/28/2018 Remember to remember. 5/27/2019 Remember-5/25/2020