@niamornimo I said i fear most the breeze before the rain, You said its the same for you too. We both laughed while looking At the sky Talked and talked till both were crying Seems that we both have been loved by someone before Those dreams perfect to the point of not needing To be remedied The similar kinds of tenderness Were both different kinds of sadness Two souls that had been friends for years Two reasons that our loves Came and went After changing of events Both reminisced on the road side That dream in which we were slapped in the face Was like the sound of rumbling thunder We've all been forgotten for eons Time's a roadside thief that Sleeve under the umbrella, That face that's awaiting an answer. How many words should be used to describe'love'? You spoke so calmly and easily I watched dark clouds fly away Because i understand all the things you say Love often has a beginning But no ending.