I stand here my mind draws a blank.. Swords to my back as I am forced to walk the plank. I look down sharks are circling.. When they attack I am going be hurting man X me out curtains man Death at this point is certain man I guess with the captain's girl I shouldn't have been flirting man I was excited I never saw a mermaid before.. Not in person I am use to women who have legs not flippers I look in her eyes she puckered up I kissed her.. Look at me now bout to be sharks dinner I should have applied scripture . Like don't covet Lust is not to be in love with... Its just self indulgence ... Oh my bad as the sword pricked my shoulder .. At the end of the plank its almost over.. I should have been cautious.. Now death is the only option I am embracing my fate watch me dive in... Sharks of sin