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Jun 2013
Ok. So there are like about ten guys right. And they all are in love or falling in love with my sister.* Let me just tell you, if one of you ******* hurts her or harasses her I will find you and leave you broken. I don't even give two damns if your in another state or country. I will fly to your *** and knock you the **** out. My sister is too good for ya'll. You'se need to lower the testosterone levels and find a girl where you live. My sister is sixteen and half you guys hitting on her are like in your mid-twenties. There is only one guy for her. Just one, and you know who you are. We message sometimes. But for the rest of ya'll, ******* mess with my sister and I will personally send you into hell. God help me!

Thank you for reading and listening to my bantering.

Questions and comments can be posted her or messaged to me. Have a nice night or day, wherever you live.
Andrew Quilles
Written by
Andrew Quilles  Massachusetts
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