Good morning, I hope your well. Haven't talked to you in a while. Saw your mom she looks sad I gave her a hug and we cried for a long while. It felt good.
Are you in a diffrent body and when random people smile at me or are nice to me, is that you?
When I see a stranger and i feel like i know that person thats impossible unless it's you... ! Next time maybe hold a purple bandana then I'll known its you for sure.
I miss our long talks so much has happend over the years and I dont think anyone will fill your place.
I wanted to **** myself the other day, held my breath underwater till it hurt
I named a scar after you not a healthy reaction I know, but the cuts deep and didnt bleed. It's tough like you.
Good morning. Hope you're doing fine.
Went to sleep because I was stupid enough with a stranger I was afraid I wouldent be able to find you. Then I thought maybe I'd find someone who is lost like me and they knew you and you are fine.
I'm still afraid of birds but a crow near my house gets close to me and seems kind and will make weird noises at me some times I feed it and talk to it like it's you.
Sad music makes me feel better. Were you the same?
Mother said I cannot marry a girl would you have married me?
Good night.. talk to you again.
Many journal entries to a good friend who passed away when i was 13. Let me know if youd like more of these.