you beguile me with your talking dead who said dreams were of the future? my history flickers through my REMs like a trailer for a movie I did not choose to watch… crumbling gray walls around my mother’s home my father confusing some interloper for my lost sister extending his hand to her, from the grave, good naturedly, in the flatlands of life I feared him even now, feeble on the floor of this flowing dream he has power to perplex by appearing, by simply taking milky shape and form reminding me he once was there and that I must let him go and my mad mother as well but I am not running the projector when I slumber, again, and again they and the other fallen actors can grace the screen and all I can do is open my eyes to a deeper dream
actually had two distinct dreams I recorded from last night--this was the first, though written after the second one that occurred chronologically