Tha cuimhne agam air an latha fliuch sin; An latha a thòisich thu a 'tathaich orm. **** thu aon sùil, agus leag thu mi leis na sùilean sin. Thuirt thu aon fhacal, agus thuit mi ann an gaol. Beannaichidh mi an latha a lorg thu mi; Agus beannaichidh mi an latha a thig sinn gu bhith na aon.
I remember that rainy day; the day you first [began haunting] me. You took one look, and leveled me with those eyes. You said one word, and I instantly [become infatuated]. I will bless the day you found me; And I will bless the day we become one.
Some things get lost in translation; feelings do not.