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May 2020
A field of vibrant, tall sunflowers.
Subtle rays of light filtering through the Autumn leaves.
Stalks of fallen hay, freshly harvested.
Ice clinking in a glass of tea on a hot summer’s day.
The gentle thrumming of guitar strings to a song I’ve yet to learn.
Shaunie’s laugh at even the smallest things; So vibrant and bold.
The SpongeBob ice creams from the ice cream truck on boiling days.
Biting into a sugar-coated lemon, the sour burst paired with lemony sweetness.
The lasting taste of a Sprite on my lips as I trace those old back roads.
Settling into the warm grass; Florida sun beating down on my skin.
The cool night’s air whirling against me as I ran home.
My cat’s fur as she curled up in the crook of my spine, the sun creeping through the window.
Yellow rejuvenates our souls, stirring up the old.
Smothered Divine
Written by
Smothered Divine  18/F/Where minds go to dream
(18/F/Where minds go to dream)   
       Thurston, Gideon, X, Melanii, Imran Islam and 4 others
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