I have come a long way and lived with you, by my side. Sometimes disowned you, other times carried you with lot of pride.
Faith, as you are called. Faith, as you are lived. Faith to win a war, faith as a gift. Faith to swim through the roughest tide Faith to fight with all my might.
Sometimes disowned you, other times carried you with lot of pride. I have come a long way and lived with you, by my side.
Faith, you are in my heart and you stay in my eyes. Even if I disown and try to ****, you get back and never die.
Faith is what has sustained me through We sleep in faith to live a dream anew.
Faith will also pave our way through COVID days Faith comes to life to give us life and in faith million hearts pray.
With faith I battle, I conquer and win and win Faith is in me deep, and deep within.
Lets have a strong faith and Hope. H.O.P.E : HOLD . ON. PAIN.ENDS