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May 2013
As the night drifts away into the night of its day
and the dues have been paid
to the Devil's handmaiden
when the birds start to sing to bring normality back
and I lacking foresight am trapped in the still night
an explosion occurs.
and the room that I'm in starts to spin
and my head comes apart at the sound of the din when my body wanders off and does not let me back in to control where it goes.
At the end of my nose which is as far as I can see.
I can see this is not good for me.

The night always wins
always spins me around
sometimes in explosions
sometimes with no sound
I never can tell what horrors born of hell will waylay me as I try to sleep like an innocent baby(fat chance of that)

Scratched by the quill because if it wants to it will
I have no choice but to bend, words are written and I send them to all that would read, then I send them once more
words are the clothing I wore yesterday
before night made its play and tomorrow,today I will write anyway to escape from the twilight where words become the only light and shadows dance across,
I might start to dance too
night gets through to me
invades and seduces me
whispering it reduces me to a quivering wreck.

I seek what is there but where that is I don't know
the night does not show nor give up secrets,
I know there is much I could find if I could find that my mind controls my body
resignedly I halt
slip the bolt on my lee enfield
and yield to that temptation
to reach my destination without calling at any stations on the way.
Night has its way with me
trips me up and then slays me
once again.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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