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Apr 2020
I'm falling again, back to the black. The dark desolate parts of my mind i fight to leave behind. I'm losing the chase, i glance behind me and each time it grows nearer and nearer.
A soulless demon, hell bent on having me in its grasp. Its repulsive twisted face leering toward me. How can i escape this ? How do i outrun a creature that knows my every move. It feeds off me, whispering its lulls into my mind. Anticipating my every move until i fall prey to its poisonous clutches.
I awake. Surrounded with darkness, I'm not alone. I can hear mumbling all around me the anxiety of being back here makes my heart race. They have me. The dark thoughts i try to avoid have all come flooding back to my consciousness.
I'm lonely yet i'm not alone. I crave the presence of others, a helping hand pulling me back to the light. Yet i have the depression glued to me feeding from my very soul. Infected by the toxins. I deserve this. I'm worthless. I belong in this pit of void. A pitiful human a **** on existence.
I weep and suddenly i'm drowning. I'm choked by fears, scenarios are waltzing around in my mind. Crippling my ability to see. Conclusion to conclusion i jump between. Harrowing thoughts bellow around me. Beating me to a pulp til i'm as black on the outside as on the inside.
This is me now. My eyes shoot open. The vast barren wasteland that reflects in the pools of the abyss. This is my true form i am at one. In peace.
When Abruptly i feel warmth. Its repulsive and hot. My body convulses. Struggling to maintain myself. Writhing with excruciating pain i feel the darkness slipping away.
The light, its bright and vast piercing the lurking monsters of the deep.
A hand. a face. a hug.
I'm transported back to reality the horror is averted. For now. A familiar scent holds me near. Mends my broken heart. Piecing me together with bits of theirself.
An exchange. A loving embrace. The warmth of a heart. The feeling of love. Never more powerful force did this universe create.
Any feedback or suggestions are welcomed! title help also please :)
louise hill
Written by
louise hill  26/F/devon
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