i'll hold your fire if you've got a match with naught but a couple of strings attached (also flammable)
i am quick and light and airy, take on more than i can carry.
you, like reliable firewood: must be. you'll have to be sturdy, or you will not trust me that i could inspire, for all to admire, a fire: to light up the dark.
and though i have no doubt you don't need my help, perhaps it's not something you want by yourself...
so imagine. a night with the dew fallen down. if your light is low, too while no one is around then remember your kindling, — i could warm you up. i will give you some more if at first's not enough. if you'd want, we'd be roaring, a knowing so well; we'd reach up to touch heaven, the envy of hell. i give myself freely, keep you blazing on until sparks in the air become ashes at dawn.
ah, we could rest then. (get a good breakfast in. cannot wait but i will— burn all over again.)