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Apr 2020
A shadow dark as night
Lingers in her eyes
It hides behind her irises
Wearing a sapphire disguise

It shows in every teardrop
Yet never quite comes free
It’s hidden in plain sight
But no one takes the time to see

It slowly taints her vision
Turning colors black and gray
Her daily pain accumulates
While her laughter slips away

She cries out for our help
But we see her eyes as blue
No one’s close enough to notice
The teary, darkened truth

She waits for us to save her
But her rescue never comes
Darkness drives her to despair
And slowly she succumbs

Day by day the shadow kills her
Stealing every ray of light
She battles for each breath
But in the end it wins the fight

We claim we couldn’t see
Past its sapphire disguise
But we should’ve seen it long before
It surfaced in her lifeless eyes
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