I am sixty-four and it has been forty-three years since I fought in America's only losing war as a highly trained combat Marine whose only job was to **** and still after so long not a single day goes by that I don't wonder why I didn't die.
And I won't lie because there are so many times I wish I was dead because of what goes on in my head and sometimes I just sit and cry but for some reason I find strength and overcome what was long ago done by me as a youth and I know that I will live to see another season but can't see the reason.
Thirteen months of daily combat in the "Valley of Death" seemed over so fast as each of us just tried to last just one more day and now thoughts about it forever will last and sometimes sleep never comes because Charlie haunts us day and night as we sit up waiting for daylight.
Memorial Day Celebrations are nice and they mean well but for some of us it is our own personal Hell because of the crap ignorant people say and their words make us sad but at least I am glad that I am not one of the many Veterans who will commit suicide today and that trend continues every day of the week 365 days a year which has to bring a tear.
So Memorial Day just reminds Vietnam Veterans that we are a generation that society would like to forget but so many of us are still here and are trying to hang on to life so dear but so many of us know that the end is so very near. Jon York 2013 Vietnam USMC 1969-70 A Shau Valley - I Corp