China is a place known for exotic Foods things like perhaps Horse or Rat Dogs,Cats, Scorpions, Snakes and more Including yes you know it the Bat
So this Coronavirus upon us now Is you guessed it from the Bat They were killing one and in the Process the blood did splat
Of course they were unaware of what Conspired and so this virus did spread And now the world is getting sick And some are ending up dead
Now here’s the thing about this particular Virus that most people don’t know They aren’t telling us but it is available But I will enlighten with another blow
You see this one is a cell with thorns Making it easier to attach And the other thing is even if you survive The initial there is still a catch
The damage that it leaves behind Can lead to heart or liver disease So I caution you to be very careful Be very careful I beg you please
Now I am not a racist but I’ve always felt To make America great again Then should we like years before Have products made by the American
I also wanna say please wash your hands Keep them away from your faces And know that it survives the heat too Florida, Australia, also have known cases
Anyway here we are under attack by a Virus, so I will say this sarcastically elegantly The world is in some real danger all because China likes their stupid Bat Delicacy