her skin was like a pure driven snow laid behind the deepest blue eyes and the brightest ruby red lips
you could not look at her and not want to kiss those soft velvet lips want to stare into those eyes want to touch that skin
feel her run her long fingernail up the spine of your back to the back of your neck and chest the nerve endings all over your body exploding messages of pleasure
the chance meeting in the park in an early spring warming sun flowers beginning to burst with life trees reaching up with their new leaves
you could not take your eyes off sitting on the edge of the fountain spewing a water spray from an angels mouth
two angels together in one slice of time you waited as long as you could it was time to return to work from lunch and you had already run 10 minutes over
you walked past her dreading leaving she looked up with those big blue eyes and those ruby red lips began to move you transfixed not realizing she was speaking
you stopped abruptly trying to clear your mind but still no sound could be heard only her big rimmed straw hat of white the the bluest blue eyes and reddest red lips and her white alabaster skin
luckily she recognized the symptoms and smiling put her hand on your arm and waited patiently for the blood to return to your brain
oddly she spoke with an island accent how could this creature come from the islands the sun and sand and alabaster she was a princess mandated to sanctuary on a holiday with her father who was on business stop here in Atlanta
she knew no one here and the park was just across the street from her sky suite for some reason she felt okay speaking with me
now I was 30 minutes late as I took a quick peek at my watch you must go she asked? Yes but can I show you the city later Yes she smiled to me I think I would like that
after getting her room number I triple skipped, jumped and hopped back to my office my head still abuzz I stared into dreamland for the next 4 hours
you gonna stay over my boss yelled to me I shook my head *** it was 5:05 he yelled you gotta date Rob yes an affair to attend to I said an alabaster affair
Gomer LePoet ....
the the bluest blue eyes and reddest red lips and her white alabaster skin