A father looks deeply into the eyes of his son, He speaks soft and sweetly: "Child, my days are done."
"I've loved every moment From the day that we met. The day of your birth, And I'll never forget, You told me you loved me Without using words, I gave you my heart And you gave me the earth.
"And though my life's ending, I want you to know, This is the beginning, Of life on your own. So hear me right now, With these final breaths, And I'll tell you how, Your life shall be blessed:
Sing with the water, Dance with the bees; Travel the world, And sail on the seas. Learn to enjoy The moments you have; For now is eternal, Yet time moves so fast.
"Learn to love, And love to learn; Light your passion, And let it burn. Reach someone, Touch longing lives; We are all one, Together we fight.
"Let go of hurt, Learn to forgive, Understand others, We're all new at this. One day you'll see, You'll blink and wake up; And then you will teach Your son to grow up.