The waters were deep and still As far above as they are below Waste and void were all that was Darkness was over the Earth A lone spirit stood above the waters Silent for but a moment An eternal moment before time began Then the spirit spoke And darkness undid itself The waters split apart To reveal dry land The sun, moon and stars Blinked into being The Earth and the planets Their orbits began Trees and plants sprung Up from the dry ground The fish and the birds Filled the seas and the sky Animals roamed The newly formed land All was complete But this was not enough That spirit then planted a garden To the east of the river And in that garden by hand Formed a new creature In the same way of that spirit Was the new creature made Unlike any other beast of the field That creature was man The lord of the earth That creature called man The companion of God Two that are one In the way of their maker Who Himself is called Us When He spoke before time Upon His creation God looked and was glad For all was good
Oh that we will return From here East of Eden Back to the mountain Of the Lord our God