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May 2013
I am now a woman
I am because I say so
It doesn't matter who says I can't
It doesn't matter who says "no!"

I became a woman
Through caring for others
I sacrificed, and can
See how my future grows

I didn't give up anything
I didn't give up trust
I haven't given up my dignity
I didn't feed into man's lust

No, I did is on my own
Without a drop of falsehood
I became what I want known
And not what should hide in the wood

I gave up things for others
I prayed and spoke to God
I sacrificed for my sisters and brothers
I prayed, and held fast to my rod

My mom, when she comes home,
Will be so proud of me
She will see what I've become
And praise me for what I'll be

I can't await to hear her voice
And how much she will jump of joy
When she looks at my rejoice
And understands why I am no toy

Now, I am a woman,

Or at least, I think I am
Mariana the King
Written by
Mariana the King  19/F/NYC
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