I. Sometimes i feel like I’m in that bubble she’s blowing Hot and sticky Rendering my perception from within muffled and distorted, suffocating
II. My world— my bubble Sends me spinning Knocking into the scalding walls, Marking my arms and cheek With hot, gooey kisses Of molten glass
III. One end darkens, a shadow Casts over me, inside my bubble. And suddenly it’s hot, it’s bright! And I’m still! Spinning!!
IV. The neck snaps free, Cooler air rushes in my now Tapered, open bubble Giving me a chance at a glimpse of A clear surrounding All soon interrupted by another Flash of light, another blast of heat
V. And then An invasion, all while my bubble Kept spinning! Following my tumbling body, Around the edges of my bubble, A pair of metal claws gripped The opening, opening, opening Until the seaport sized window Of my bubble Became a hole big enough to Climb through