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May 2013
I think looking back
that this is for the best,
Maybe you are bad for me,
Or am I bad for you?

And tell my something my dear,
Did you really beleive me
when I said it was fine?
Because that was not true.
But I have to let it be

Neverless I will not cry anymore, but
Darling I wasnt ever mad at you.
I was hurt. I am hurt.
But I cannot hold you anymore.
So let it be

But if your soul does not long for mine
As mine longs for you,
Then I cannot make you happy,
So let it be

You can make the choice to stay.
Or the choice to go.
Fate holds the answers,
So let it be

So my love
this is my goodbye
Perhaps we shall stay friends,
Or our paths will part ways.

Wherever destiny leads us,
*Let It Be.
This is an ode to my most recent heartbreak. They left me for a second time, but this time I am stronger, and I will not let this bring me down.
Hannah Amara
Written by
Hannah Amara  Wisconsin
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