What happens to identity When surrender is called? The wrong side of history The tiger that’s been mauled.
How do you bear the moniker Defeated? Enemy? Now living under their regime Your choice is? “Happily”.
Wary of the kindnesses That you rarely receive. Your hand extends in friendship but your heart says, “disbelieve”.
Someone else decided for you, who your foes should be. The axis tilted in the night now you’re the “enemy”.
You gaze at your hated visage and you scowl at the brazen one who was simply caught living life, you were no smoking gun!
You wish that you may find some hope To tether you to life To bring you back from bigotry, suffering and strife.
Your muted voice is quiet now But one day you may try To make sense of the whole **** mess Or always wonder why.
This poem is about those who live in post war occupied countries. My particular focus was Allied occupation of Germany but it could relate to anywhere really....