We give to God what we call love , our simple gift to our creator above .
But what do we with all our sin look a while and enter in ? Our blackened souls know nothing of love , that only comes from God above .
As black as coal , as sinful as the dark clouds that hide us from his light .
So must we walk in sins dark ways , for to know Christ we shall bring forth our praise ?
But the bright things of heaven trouble us still , as sins corpse we drag around , like some unwanted guest , who has stayed too long , and bids us no rest . It has no skin or bone as such , and the chains attached are not of metal or steel , but something worse , our lust , Our greed , our never ending need .
For its parades we love so much , we drag around like blood and guts , and we wonder why God loves us so much ? each night we must die to what we know , and Christ’s light like a rainbow must rise , after the rains , has dampened our skies , it’s only then his light will shine , when we have only one heart , that’s thine .