If I could be anywhere right now I wouldn't be here If I could be anywhere right now I'd be somewhere Somewhere where beauty thrives and lives in a way that draws out a breath of awe from the depths of my lungs Somewhere where excitement lights up my eyes with an eager flip of the switch Somewhere where I greedily take in every stimuli without feeling an ounce of guilt because I know it's there for me to wonder at If I could be anywhere right now I would I would go, I would race, I would journey, I would be anywhere Somewhere I will open my arms to embrace life as it is Somewhere I will cuddle into the atmosphere as a lover cuddles into the arms of their significant other surrounded by both comfort and safety but also by thrill Somewhere I will not only act as my best self but I will be my best self my true self without holding back If I could be anywhere right now I would be somewhere I would be in my somewhere Somewhere I love Somewhere I cherish Somewhere I belong If I could be anywhere right now I would be there