some days i truly believe i’m doing better but something always happens when i’m getting close to someone sharing the intimate details of my life my story my shortcomings my “trauma” (god i hate that word that word is reserved for those who went through truly horrible things but not me because it wasn’t bad in my head though i’m learning that there are some pieces missing when i talk to her about what happened)
i can’t get close to people like i could before you infiltrated my life and grew like a slow-moving cancer constantly there even when there are no symptoms (god there’s that word again. “cancer.” that ugly vile word only reserved for the worst of the worst that word that made last year the worst year of my life maybe it was the lack of that word that made it i don’t know but i hope that’s what you get something slow but hard to treat i want you to feel what it’s like to feel your insides being ripped apart feel the sickness and pain that i felt. god i hate myself for saying that rage clouds the corners of my vision and oftentimes becomes blinding yet i am stuck stuck between the feelings of rage and mercy so diametrically opposed and different but i guess somewhere deep down i remember that you’re a human being but you are a monster you preyed on my innocence and naïveté and optimism and i couldn’t take off my rose colored glasses to see your true form until the damage was done you had no business with me or getting close to me or taking me