I aspired to draw a line in the sand but I ended up carving a square. It birthed a perimeter that wasn’t planned, enclosing the emptiness of what was there. If I could find the will to move my legs I’d still plant my feet on either side, but they’re dangling off each limb that drags, dead weight bumping and bouncing along with the ride.
Stagnantly cushioning careless decisions and finding loose lint among the remains, stitching is falling behind the constant incisions but surprised the pleasures match with the pains. I’ll be going over, while falling under, come run Red Rover, abstain or plunder.
I noticed the devolution of my skin, in the irregular margins I jotted scribbled notes. We could cut the cost with aluminum foil versus tin, it could mimic barriers like our winter coats.
See my mouth refuse to further consume my teeth are made solely to crunch numbers, checking every inch within each room, I can’t comprehend the routine this encumbers. You supply the war and I’ll supply the headlines. We’ll follow the same pattern as before, but now watch out for land mines
I poured the tears into stale water and traced my hand upon the sun, burnt fingertips but I thought it would be hotter, and the brightness could blind if not stun. Walk off the wounds from imagination and get in the ring to face reality’s wrath, I’ll take comfort in knowledge of my destination, I never rerouted my destined path.