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May 2013
Are minds supposed to race so much at 10:30 pm?
Every sound
Igniting more anger and uncomfort
But silence doesn't make it better
Nothing does

Maybe if I were smarter
I wouldn't be so confused
Stuck doing 15 papers at 10 pm
Every question
Or sentence in a book
Making me more confused and infuriated

My stomach churning with anxiety
My head aching
My face wet with tears of defeat

Don't open that box
You've been clean for so long
And I didn't
I didn't open the box
And didn't grab the farmiliar blade within it
I know I couldn't stop once I did
So I didn't
It's not easy
But I'm trying
I promise
So I don't even know what this is. This barely makes sense,but whatever. I think I just had/am having an end-of-the-school-year-crisis,with the piles of homework and everything. I even had the whole mental-breakdown-crying-emotional part,too. I'm okay now,I hope,I just wanted to write something,since I hadn't in a while.
r l
Written by
r l  Boston
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