Today is kind of the day; to finally convey that I am turning twenty.
Today is kind of the day; to boldly say that I’m gonna stop being a cry little baby, by start waking up early or alleviate a constant-state of being lazy?
In your twenty, you gotta learn to grind harder with yourself to earn money; evolving as an endless seeker for stability - relentlessly or is that just for the sake of security?
Apparently, People opinion just sometimes makes you undeniably dizzy worse even when you start questioning your overall quality; Good news is I have no time for self-pity Learn to know your worth and value authenticity. though surrounded by mindless cruelty; like-minded even society, monochromatic-cycle of liberty. When it’s okay to embrace vulnerability, especially when you get hit by inner-voice full of insecurity.
Your twenty is not supposed to be easy But indeed, your twenty is ought to be your life-time journey, we live a life in an infinite level of possibility that’s why I have a strong need for self-discovery Because it is me and only me, have total control against my life story