I some times think That love is electronic Like matter-wave
Elusive to capture in time or space Yet travels at the speed of light
Capable of transmitting energy Yet unable to completely fathom its form
Impossible to hold or capture But without which, life is incomplete
Like Heisenberg's uncertainty principle I cannot understand it, while i am in it
I would rather be absorbed like a photon Gets absorbed in an atom
You be my atom, I shall be the photon May you and I merge and reach a higher state Of fulfilment.
I wanted to specialise in Physics. At the same time I was enamoured by literature and humanities. Unable to decide, immature and not knowing how to express clearly, this poem was written during my college days, just past the teenage years. I had not known how to think beyond binaries: my world view had not expanded beyond matter vs energy. Attempted a rather amateurish or foolish, trial in synthesizing physics with feelings of love.