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Jan 2020

A world without wars? Why not? How
about  a worldwide picnic of peace. The
boundaries that divide us are not on maps,
but in our minds and hearts. Humanity is
as impoverished as its poorest member, as
healthy as its sickest, as educated as its most
ignorant. There is only one land, one sky, one
sea, one people. If we pollute the Mississippi
River, ineluctably we shall pollute the Indian
Ocean. If we pollute the air we breathe anywhere,
we shall pollute it everywhere, and thereby die.  
Don’t you get it? There is only one world. Its
citizens are humanity. No one owns Earth except
the Supreme Spirit. Humanity owns only
the right to be treated well and the responsi-
bility to treat Earth and all creations on it well.
If all of Earth’s precious resources were shared
equally among its peoples, there would no longer
be a need for wars, only rejoicing. Love would
rule instead of despots. Life would become a
lasting worldwide celebration of love and loving.
Love-based relationships and endeavors would
obviate aggrandizement and avarice, the prime
movers of wars worldwide. Wealth is not
worth. Jesus wore only a robe. When those
who gathered around him, Jesus did not tell
them how to get rich. He told them to love
one another. Love was his message.
The multitude of differences on Earth--languages,
skin colors, cultures, religions--are to be shared,
explored, enjoyed, enriching, not reasons to fear,
exclude, persecute, and ****. Are you blind?
Don’t you see? Are you ignorant? We now
have technologically the capacity to communicate
instantly around the world, to share our ideas and
concerns with our fellow Earth citizens, our brothers
and sisters. We are all one family, and if we join
hands and hearts, we--not presidents, not dictators,
not multinational corporations--can create Peace
on Earth and enjoy it forever.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
Written by
(80/M/Boulder, CO)   
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