Words unspoken I have left many words unspoken for the simple reason I never thought they'd need to be said Every picture is worth a thousand words and every second I spend with you is a picture Imagine if had said every word I could to you Imagine what I would say if I say I love you know what would I say if I could speak 1 thousand words for every second I'm with you A new poem every second A new album every minute A new feeling Haven't you ever left words unspoken that you wish you could say What about those half sentences you start and never finish What about when you go to say something and end with nevermind What about those texts you send that say can I ask something and instead of asking the real question you ask one you already know the answer to What about What about His words unspoken My words unspoken Their words unspoken Everyone has them but only I wish I could tell you mine as badly as I wish I could Because every word unspoken is jump I never took