High and nothing between me and the deep blue of the sky and I have to wonder, not at the wonder but the wonder of why I could cry. These incessant questions never leave me alone even up here where it all should be clear I am never as near to the answers I seek as when I'm down there in the crowd. I ask myself out loud what is it that keeps me from sleep and defeats me and why do I seek when I don't know what for?
It's all needles and haystacks I can never relax I feel like my back's up against a solid stone wall. If I fell how far would I fall? If I fall would I be fallen or would I have fell? These pointless questions give me hell I'm on a roundabout a merry go round above the ground way up high where the moon steals kisses from the deep blue of the sky I wonder why. I wonder how and what and when and again I wonder I pen exhume those words in pain shout out roundabout spinning beginning to find a trace on the line. Before I run out of time I will know I will go away sated The journey is long and I've hated the waiting the unknowing of what the picture is showing and who held the key was it me? was that the mystery? I wonder