You must do it for You. No one can do it for You, and you are alive for You.
You are not endebted to anyone by virtue of existing; except perhaps your Mother and Father, but that's another story.
You owe it to no one to be a certain way to look a certain way to talk a certain way; You owe it to yourself to be who you are, to express yourself truly, to come to terms with yourself.
You must do it for You not because you are arrogant, selfish, or even hubristic, but because it is you who suffers when you fail to do it for yourself. (As a result, those around you suffer, as well.)
You must be there for yourself for you are stuck with you in a far more than personal sense; You must do it for you, not because you are all that matters, but because you are all you can control if only you knew how:
Meditate. Observe yourself as objectively as you can though be not harsh to yourself except when you need to be.
You are an extra-dimensional being looking through a looking glass that happens to be trapped in the Third Dimension. Your prism is of a higher power than we can perceive; perhaps that is why it is so elusive and "ineffable".
So, again, Do it for yourself. You'll thank me later. Or, maybe not. Maybe this is only true for me; either way I feel a need to express it, so there you have it.