I asked, who is he? and the answer came back, he's a calamity, **** it that's me that were talking about I should really get out of this one sided conversation preferably at the next station but if not I can walk. You can talk, Look at you what the hell do you do except to put people down and rub their nose in the dirt.
Hurt you? I could but why would I do that? You're just a statistic someone who's sarcastic let's face it you're past it it's time for you to go. If you don't know the way let me show you.
Yesterday you bothered me today as you can see I don't give a toss you're not my boss you're a loser I choose a different path you can laugh but then again you always did you hid behind grins but the circle of life spins and you can't laugh no more close the door when you go just so I know that I'm free.